CD-ROM Today - The Disc! 5
CD-ROM Today - The Disc (Issue 5)(November 1994).ISO
Mac shareware
Same Folder
About Same Game
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65 lines
Same Game for Macintosh
version 1.0.6 (1994/6/1)
Same Game is solitaire puzzle.
/*----- Rule -----*/
You can erase the tiles which make connection with same pattern,
horizontally or vertically. The upper tiles fill in the blank. And the right
columns fill in the empty columns.
/*----- Score -----*/
You get (n-2)^2 points every n-tiles erased. And the game is over when you
cannot erase any more tiles. The number of tiles which you could not erase is
subtracted from your points. Thus:
(Total points) = (Get tile points) - (Number of rest tiles)
By any chance, when you can erase all tiles, you will get (tiles)x5 points as
/*----- Options -----*/
Options menu has following items.
1. Quick Remove
In case of checked, the tiles are erased with one click. In case of un-
checked, the tiles (to be erased) blink with first click and are erased
with second click.
2. Confirm Last Move
If checked,
* when you erase the last tile
* when you quit in the middle of game
Same Game shows alert box to confirm.
3. Sound
The volume of sounds.
4. Tiles
The type of tiles. This submenu is divided into 3 parts, each part includes
tiles with 1/4/8 bits colors. If main screen is set to monochrome, the parts
of 4/8 bits are dimmed (disabled).
5. Board
The size of board. Three settings are available, Tiny (6x6), Small (12x6),
Standard (20x10).
6. BackGround
The background pattern of board. You can put any files, which include 'ppat'
resources in, in the 'Same Prefs' folder and rename it to 'BackGround'. Then
you will get the list of 'ppat' in this submenu. For example, you may put an
alias of the document of 'Desktop Textures'.
(Note: You cannot use 'ppat' which is compressed with 'Desktop Textures')
(Note: 'ppat' resources which have no name will not be listed in the submenu)
/*----- System Requirements -----*/
Requires System 7 and 32Bit Color QuickDraw.
/*----- CopyRights -----*/
This program is freeware. You can use it without any fee. And you can
distribute it freely as long as no fee is charged and no modifications are
made to the program and documents.
Original version (on UNIX) by Eiji Fukumoto
Ported to NEC PC-9801 by Wataru Yoshioka
Ported to Apple Macintosh by Takahiro Sumiya
Please feel free to send me any comments or bug reports.
June 1, 1994. Takahiro Sumiya (sumi@cuby.mis.hiroshima-u.ac.jp)